
quincy air compressor 2
A practical guide: Selecting the best Quincy air compressor unit for any task
March 19, 2020

A run-of-the-mill search engine query on a Quincy air compressor is sure to provide an abundant selection of suppliers and providers in Toronto for that particular model.


However, is it as easy as picking the highest-reviewed unit and getting it over and done with?


When all is said and done, the answer is no. Air compressors sit at the heart of any industrial operation, be it small-scale carpentry to full-fledged roadworks reliant on heavy-duty pneumatic tools, and thus require expertise built on years of knowledge in selecting the ideal unit.


There are, however, some basics you should be familiar with. We’ve outlined a few things to examine when aiming to procure a Quincy compressor unit for your line of work.


Assess your selection of tools

Are the majority of your tools (e.g. handheld nailguns, blowers, sanders, etc.) air or electric-powered? If you have a relatively equal mix of both, a small-powered portable air compressor should prove adequate. However, those that are reliant on the use of air tools simultaneously require more compressed air. In this light, a piston-powered air compressor is certain to be the better choice.


Power vs. Portability

A portable Quincy air compressor is tankless and is capable of powering several nailers, impact wrenches, and grinders. Due to their reduced weight, carpenters, roofers, and industries where travel is innate to the business find portable air compressors a great investment.


Nonetheless, the very same industries may require a mid to high-powered piston Quincy air compressor to power a wide selection of air-powered tools. While these units may be more expensive and require more maintenance, they offer an abundance of compressed air to power numerous tools for projects contingent on high throughput.


Electric or gas-powered unit?

Most industries that use air compressors find electric-powered units convenient. Carpenters, roofers, and renovators use electric-powered units because a majority of their clients have a readily available power source. This isn’t to say that a gas-powered air compressor isn’t convenient, quite the contrary. Their performance equals electric-powered air compressors, especially in situations where no electric power source is available.


Maintenance-free air compressors are a myth

Even a Quincy air compressor will require maintenance, even though they are renowned for their service life and low upkeep costs. Portable compressors from the onset may require minimal maintenance, but dirt, grime, and vapour can block, disable, or accelerate the wear and tear of moving parts.


All this rings true for large scale piston-driven air compressors. These infinitely more complex units and their machine parts require lubricating oil to function at their best. Be forewarned, air compressor maintenance is dangerous and we advise only professional technicians such as those from ReapAir to perform such tasks.


The technical side of things

Air-powered tools require different compressed air levels measured in CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute). Review your air-powered tools' PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) levels before deciding on a particular Quincy air compressor. In doing so, you prevent air leakage - the primary cause of inefficient energy consumption by your tools and accessories.


The right air compressor makes all the difference

By taking note of these five important details, you can invest in an adequately powered, energy efficient air compressor that can handle the task at hand with ease. If you want to have a look at the latest in air compressor technology, check out ReapAir's listings. We’re sure to have the most compatible air compressor for your needs.

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